How To Install The Anti-Copy paste On The Blog Easily?

pasang anti copas, How To Install The Anti-Copy paste On The Blog Easly,how to install an anti-copy paste, anti copas, pasang anti copas
Mediaweb4u-Good afternoon fellow bloggers around the world, may be in good health, amen. after the share of ''Love letter from medianet '', this time will share more about How to install an anti-copy paste. perhaps a blogger upset when his article in copy paste by other bloggers who are not creative, relying only copy and paste from neighboring blog. haha, ok, we immediately just how to install an anti-copy and paste on your blog / website.

as usual ;

1. loggin to

2. choose templete

3. search <head> 

4. copy and paste this script below code <head>

<script type='text/javascript'> if (typeof document.onselectstart!="undefined") { document.onselectstart=new Function ("return false"); } else{ document.onmousedown=new Function ("return false"); document.onmouseup=new Function ("return true"); } </script>

5. save


The effects of the use of this script, the cursor can not function highlight your blog. But the mouse can do a right-click. This script has a drawback if the copaser know techniques locked open blog (anti Copas script has been installed).

Maybe it was just sharing my lunch today may be useful, oh yes, do not forget to try first.

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